Whether you consider yourself a dog person, cat person or both, we pet owners would agree they enrich our lives. Each one brings a different personality into our home.
If you are anything like me, you like items that have cute sayings on them regarding our four-legged friends. My favorites are the pillows. I have them on my side chairs and in guest rooms. Every time I walk by I seem to read them over and over and still find amusement in them (I'm so easily entertained!).
It's amazing how just a few short words can get the message across. To me that message is how important our animals are in our lives. Every day they are here for us and bring us such comfort and enrichment in our daily grind. They are a constant in our lives, always waiting at home for us and giving us pure love and gratitude every time we walk through those doors. See if you agree with what these pillows are saying.
No matter what, your dog would lay down its life for yours. Without question you are the single most important thing in your dog’s life. Your dog doesn't care about much else but being by your side. Dogs are happiest doing whatever as long as you are doing it with them. The sound of your voice is music to their ears. When you are away from home, most of the time they sleep. As soon as you get close to home, and believe me they know when you are near, they get a burst of energy and wait (im)patiently staring at the door and then you magically appear. How'd they do that? Doesn't matter how to them—all they care about is their “master” is home!
They never judge, hold a grudge or retaliate. I do have an exception with this saying, however. When I was young I had a pet duck (two feet). Way back when, this was very odd. I went to the movies one afternoon with friends and next door to the theater was a pet store. It was Easter time, and the store was selling ducklings. I just had to have one! When I went home, I pleaded and begged, but honestly I didn't have to work that hard because my mother is a true animal lover also. So, I got my duckling. I used a cardboard box for her bed and she lived in my bedroom. When she got older, she moved outside. We lived on a main road in Bethel and turned a shed under our porch into her house. Every Saturday we went to the feed store and brought home bales of hay/straw for her bedding. She was the best “watchdog” ever. Whenever someone came into the yard. she would start quacking and quacking. I forgot to mention her name. You guessed it—Quacker. We had a child’s plastic swimming pool that we would fill in the summer, and she would splash and play in it.
Early on we weren't sure if she was a boy or girl but soon found out when we went to her house one morning and SURPRISE, there was an egg! We could never eat her eggs because to us it would be like eating her (we also saw what she ate—yuk!). To this day, I have never been able to order duck at a restaurant. Our many years of enjoyment ended when we lost her to a wild animal. Very painful. It is not a good idea having animals that live outside in this part of the country. There are too many hazards and elements that can harm our best friends. That is why Animal Welfare is always suggesting our adopted cats not be let outside. It is estimated that indoor cats have a lifespan of five more years than outside cats.
Thank goodness pet stores don't sell ducklings anymore at Easter time because there is always another child that “just has to have one” and without careful thought would purchase one. The same thing applies to bunnies that are sold at pet stores. Think, think and think some more before you decide to buy a bunny, especially as a present. The novelty soon fades, and most bunnies end up at our shelter.
This past summer we had a lot of rabbits that people either got tired of or didn't realize how much work was involved. Believe me, I know how cute and cuddly they are. But reality soon sets in and the day-to-day work begins. So please, no impulse buys. Rabbits can be great pets, just know what you are getting into.
This saying is a favorite of mine, because I figure if it is put on a pillow then I’m not the only one with this problem. All pet owners know the necessity of having those sticky rollers in their cars, hall closets, garages, kitchen cabinets, office drawers, etc. Whoever invented them should get an award. All kidding aside, I have always said, “I'd rather have pet hair in my home than not have a pet in my home.” Pets are definitely worth a little extra time spent vacuuming.
True, true, true. Dogs hang on our every word and look to us for constant approval. Cats, on the other hand, have us wrapped around their paws. We are drawn by their purr as if there was magic in the sound. We get hypnotized by those amazing cat eyes, and when they talk to us we listen. Currently, we have 60-plus cats at the shelter. I'm sure that number will grow fast now that spring is here. We have had more than 100 in the past, and I never want to get to that number again!
Each and every one of those cats has its own personality. We have many cats that may look the same at first glance but when you look again you know which is which. The playful strut across the floor, the pounce, pounce, pounce on the toy mouse, the leap and jump on the sunbeam coming through the window—all express themselves in different ways. Each and every one is special and unique. Just as we each have our own personality, so do they. We have cats that will suit everyone’s taste and style.
Another pillow needs no explanation.
Need I say more?
(*Both animals in today's blog are currently up for adoption at Animal Welfare on Dodd Road in New Milford.)
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